Thursday, May 8, 2008

Em's Wedding Weekend.

One of my very dearest friends in the world, Emily Clemens (now Bonham) was married last weekend in Montgomery. Emliy and her sister Julie are probably the closest things I have to sisters. It was all so sweet and beautiful. I did not get a great picture of Em in her Wedding dress though. Sorry Em. Alex's mom and dad kept the twins for us. Thanks Mary and Earl. Here are some pics from the weekend.

Here's one of me and Al at the Rehearsal Dinner. It was at an old Montgomery eating establishment named Noble's. The food was excellent. And so was the company.
Me and Em. Our friendship goes back longer than I really can remember. We have some really great and funny memories together. Love you Emily.
This is me and Jules, (Julie). The Maid of Honor and Emily's sister. Love you too!
Here we are in a little corner of the church. It was a beautiful Episcopal Church with lots of history. I actually got to read a couple of scriptures in the wedding. That was new to me and very interesting but I think it went wonderfully and Alex says I did great! Glad to make my man proud. HeeHee.
The happy couple leaving the church. Emily and Pembroke Bonham. Pembroke is a very enchanting and friendly guy that I know will take care of my Emily.
CP posing pretty in the rose gardens where Pembroke's mom's ashes were scattered several years ago. It is a very special part of the church and especially peaceful and pretty.
Me and My Clara posing for a picture.
Me and my honey in the roses.
And finally a picture of the hilarious dance CP decided to do as we walked after the wedding to get our stuff. Not sure what got into her but it was a cute little cross between dancing and cheering. I wish I could have video taped it for you.
Over all everything went wonderfully and was a great weekend. God bless you Emily and Pembroke.
FYI-Al's sister Wendy had gall bladder surgery today and is fine but I'm sure could use a few prayers sent her way!
We leave for Disney on Sunday and can't wait but also keep us in your thoughts that we have a safe trip.