Friday, April 11, 2008

Easter at MeMe & Pawpaw's

As promised here are pictures from our day at MeMe and PawPaw's for Easter. I know I'm a little behind on the blogging but we've had a lot going on and I've been covered over at work. Maybe I'll get a few pictures of them in their Easter Dresses soon too!
Here's Gracie swinging on her belly. And if you look closely you can see cousin Jackson on the go-cart!
Here's Maggie all smiles in her swing. My girls have loved to swing since they were tiny.
And of coarse here is Baby Park (he's not really a baby anymore but we'll probably always call him that). He was trying to jump with the girlies.
And finally here is my CP hunting Easter Eggs. She was really good at it this year! Well have a nice weekend everyone.
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