Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ok last Monday

So here's last Monday in a nutshell since I've got so much other blogging to get caught up on. We've been busy bees lately. Anyway, Alex got home early that day so he was outside working and the twins were playing in the little pool. Well, I hear "Michele, is Kelsey in the house?" To which I say, "No, don't think so." Not soon after that chaos erupts. Yes, the back gate is open, I have two little 3 year old guesses as to how and our dog has escaped. Now when she was little she would dart out the door but now she's older and wiser. We have been letting her out in the driveway when we are out there and she's done pretty good but she got brave and took out to the open world this day. So Alex and I start yelling and walking up the road looking for her. Alex even gets in his car and drives up the road to search for her. That terrible feeling begins to set in that this is the day we are going to lose our dog for good. But I walk down the way Al has driven and he's found her way down in the cul-de-sac. She was just visiting neighbors I suppose. Thank goodness I do not have to go tell my girls that Kelsey Bug is gone. She gets out of the car panting like crazy and happy as a Lark! First thing she does is flop down on the kitchen floor to rest. She was so tired after her adventure she slept most of the rest of that day.

Now on to later that same day. Wendi and the boys from across the street had been visiting and were on their way back across the street. So we are doing our usual waving 15 times and saying our goodbyes when I hear CP yell from inside for me. I get back in the garage and all I can see is her face popping out of the door. I ask what she needs and this is what I see but this is not even half as bad.....

She has "painted" her face and hands with a RED RED RED Revlon lipstick she "found" in the garage. My first words to her are, "What have you done and have you lost your mind?" Now let me say she is a very funny and precocious child but this is not something she would typically do. I'm not sure what possessed her that day. Her face was completely covered in what was really a very dark maroon color. It was not mine! I have no idea where it came from. All I could really see were her eyes. It was kinda creepy. Anyway we tried soap, eye makeup remover, and all kinds of stuff. It finally came off but let me say that if you want some stay-all-day lip color, Revlon might just be the brand for you!

It was an exhausting day. I'm tired just typing about it. Ahhh, a day in the life of a Hicks family member!

On to parties and baby showers next!! Stay tuned.....


Anonymous said...

Oh My! You weren't kidding! Well, at least it did come off :o)

Kim Lawson said...

I can imagine what that looked like!! Revlon lipstick is basically paint!!