Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beach "Pictures"

Yes, we TRY every year to get those "Beach Pictures" that everyone wants when they get to that beautiful white sand. Yes, we TRY. It never quite works out the way I envision it in my head. Anyway I'll wrap up my Beach Picture Extravaganza with a few shots that were pretty good. (Well any picture with my angels in it is a good one to me but you know what I mean.)
I do love this one. It just seems to sum up the innocence of childhood to me for some reason.

With their toes in the sand in their white pillowcase dresses!

Ok so the sun was so bright that morning they could NOT quit squinting. They weren't even facing the sun!! Oh well, it's still cute.
Maggie, Clara Paige & Gracie
One last view of my babies in the sand. Until Next year everyone!