Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Parading 2008

As most of you know, PawPaw has a Train he gets out every Holiday Season for the Parade circuit. It's not up to the Macy's Day Parade level yet but watch out because the Hicks Family Express is on it's way. This year me and Al didn't actually get to ride b/c we had my office Christmas party to attend but Aunt Wendy and Meme did an excellent job corralling my girlies in their Parade expedition. Below are picture from the Adamsville parade and guess what?? PawPaw's train won 1st prize!! Yay!!

Aunt Wen and Gracie tryin to stay warm.

Meme and Mags. Maggie refused to wear her coat. Hmmm... imagine that, Maggie being stubborn about her clothing!!
Clara Paige and Mags. Love that Santa hat!!

Gracie in her Barbie toboggan. Thanks Wendy for making sure my babies were warm.

My CP gettin either in or out of the train. Wish I had a picture to post of the whole thing. It's really pretty at night with all the lights turned on. I'll work on that for next year. Well, hope you are all done with your shopping and can relax and enjoy your holiday. Be safe and warm and be with the ones you love. I will be!!