Sunday, November 2, 2008

This Tuedsday...

This Tuesday is as we all know an extremely important day. Honestly, it scares me for our country and my children's future. As you may have already known or learned all to recently, my Daddy was a very patriotic man. He wasn't a big talker in a crowd but if you knew him well enough you knew that he took our right to vote very seriously and he loved this country and what it is meant to stand for. I am going to do all I can to get my vote in on Tuesday (& since my drivers license still has my T'town address that might be tough). But my request to you all is to be informed on your decision and be informed of the truth. I would not ever consider picking sides on my blog but I know in my heart of hearts who will stand up for this country and who loves this country more than the other. And as a Christian I feel it is a time to pray for all that will go on this Tuesday. If you've ever hit your knees to pray, November 4th, 2008 might be the day to do so.

I also promise to get back to blogging about our wonderful family excursions. My dad would also want that and not want me to dwell him. However, I will not lie to you and say the pain has subsided. It will continue indefinitely and your continued prayers every now and then would be a welcome gift to me and my family. It's amazing how we take advantage every day of the simple tiny things in life that continually hit me about my dad. Some of them are painful, some of them are funny and some of them are just hard to explain. With that said, just take a minute to think of all the ones you love and when you get the change let 'em know. An extra hug before you leave or an extra phone call or two isn't missed until you can't do it anymore.

Love to all and you can look forward to Uncle Lumpy's wedding and Halloween pictures to come soon if I can find my camera!!


Tesney said...

We are definitely still praying for and thinking of you all. And we will be voting on Tuesday! You should listen to Shon's sermon from last week about the upcoming election. It's on the church website and is really good without being political.

Anonymous said...

You are in my thoughts everyday. My parents were here last night, and they ask about you and said they are really thinking about you and your family.
Please know you all are loved so very much and everyday gets a little better....but you never forget.
Call if you need to laugh, yell or cry...I will listen. 205-281-4172. God Bless You.

James Clemens said...

Hey Michele,
Blogging is all new for me but just wanted you to know that Linda and I pray for you and your mother and the girls every night. We enjoy visiting with your mother and I hope to get to talk some with you this fall on game week-ends. Our door is still always open.

Love, James